Everyone Is Different… Some Thoughtful Counsel For My Grandson’s

Everyone Is Different.

Everyone you meet will be different than you, in fact, there is no one like you. Each of us come into this world with so many differences that it would be impossible to address every difference here and now. So, my counsel is to not only accept other people’s differences but embrace their differences and learn all that you can about them. Some of the physical actions you can take are:

  1. Be more than tolerant, be loving and accepting of each person that comes into your life. Accept them just like they are. 
  2. Be patient and listen carefully to what people are saying. Listen more and speak less and you will get to really know the hearts and minds of other people.
  3. Be interested and flexible, every person deserves to be acknowledged for who they are. Learn about your friend’s culture, customs, and religious beliefs. Support them on their life journey.
  4. Always speak highly of others, when you talk about them, or say nothing at all. Every human being needs love and support. Don’t judge them unless you expect to be judged back.
  5. Always keep in mind that when we actually accept the difference between ourselves and others, we will always strive to be respectful, kind and understanding no matter how different we are from each other.

There is an old song that I love. “Red and yellow black and white they are precious in His sight, Jesus loves the little children of the world.” You to can love everyone when you love their differences.

Love and Blessings,

Robert ” Bobby” Morgan



The Power Of Positive Words

“Gracious words are like a honeycomb, sweetness to the soul and health to the body.”

Today, may the words that come forth from my mouth inspire, heal and bring peace to all who hear them. May not only mankind but all creation be lifted up energized and empowered by my thoughts, words, and presence. 

Today, may all my words create actions that reflect the thoughts that flow from my heart. May each word shine like the sun bringing warmth and comfort to the pained, hope to the downtrodden and encouragement to the discouraged.

Today, may each word I speak, ignite a light in the darkness, illuminating life’s pathways and providing life-giving energy to all who hear.  May my focus always be on holding myself in a state of gratitude, for everything that happens and speaking to myself and all creation with grace, kindness, encouragement, and love. 

Today, may I only speak positive words, making them present in all my speech my greatest goal. May these actions become my daily habit, letting them change me so that I might fully serve my fellow man in body, mind, and spirit. 

“A word fitly spoken is like apples of gold in a setting of silver.”

Love and blessings,

Robert Morgan “Bobby”

Speaking positive words creates a good vibration that lifts us and others out of the gloom, helping us to resonate with all that is good in creation.

Your Words Are The I AM Within You

Our words have the power to love, protect, heal or injure. Let us pray we only use them to bring about what lifts our fellow man. 

The Word Became Flesh

In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. He was with God in the beginning. Through him all things were made; without him, nothing was made that has been made. In him was life, and that life was the light of all mankind. The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it.

This same life that was the Word, in the beginning, is now in each of us. It is He who gives us the imagination, knowledge, and information we need to use our words to create blessings or curses. It is our words that bring us happiness or sadness, life or death.  “By thy words, thou shalt be justified, and by thy words, thou shalt be condemned,” and “death and life are in the power of the tongue.”

We wheeled a powerful weapon. It is much like a magic wand that heals the hurts of mankind or sword that brings death and destruction. Thus it behooves us to be men and women of love and compassion so that we might bless, rather than curse each other. As a healer, it is my heart’s prayer that I will bring joy to the sorrowful and health to sick and riches to the poor. May I never again intentionally or unintentionally harm any of God’s children, as I learn to bridle my tongue and let the great I Am, guide and direct my every word. Amen.

May your life be filled with every blessing. Robert C. Morgan “Bobby”

Watch And Worship, The Light Will Grow Stronger Until It’s Infinite

Being a seeker of truth my highest desire is to be one in spirit with the Spirt that created all things. I know there is more than one road to be taken on my quest of Christ consciousness and the understanding of what it really means being one with the I AM.

I also know that my spiritual experience is uniquely mine and that each of us finds ourselves on our personal spiritual and religious roads, usually based on our temperament, our family of origin and our national heritage. I honestly believe that there is no one way to meet each of our individual needs, only you know the path to which you belong. 

During my spiritual journey, I found, for me,  being in a state of Christ consciousness is where I am most at peace.  Part of my being able to maintain this state is to focus my attention on worshiping my God and living from the end. In other words living as if I have already obtained my heart’s desires. 

As I focus my intentions on my desired state, living as if I have already received my heart’s desires, I find, I’m more naturally inclined towards practicing mindful, loving kindness towards my brothers and sister and living in a state of joyful worship of my Creator.  

The incredible sense of joy I experience, recognizing that with my heart’s desire of being one with the Spirit is already done, my wish has been fulfilled and I am able to do all things because I am one with the I Am. In fact, most day’s I feel as though I am the richest man in the world and I’m safe in the arms of my Creator, who gives me the spiritual, physical and mental strength to live a rich and more useful, fulfilling life while on the earth.

I also know this, though I still love practicing them, my meditations, religious contemplations, and self−sacrificing for others, as well as studying the words of Christ and other spiritual teachers do not bring me the peace that passes human understanding. None of theses actions together or alone can take me closer than I already am when I imagine who I am and live from the end of that imagination.

Today I acknowledge,  I’m responsible for what is happening to me. I am the creator of my world, and each of my fellow humans is to themselves the way, the truth, and the life in their worlds.  Yet, the greatest mystery to me is that though we are each spiritual individuals, we are all part of Christ, being intricately connected, being parts of the only I Am, finding ourselves forever one with each other.  

So, I will trust being able to bring forth a good life as I live in the end of my imaginings, my heart with songs worship knowing that Christ’s light will grow stronger day-by-day in my life.

I will look for the flower to bloom in the silence that follows the storm, not till then.

I am one with the I Am and the I AM is one with me.

Love and Blessings, Robert C. Morgan “Bobby” 2017

And So They Have Misjudged You, It’s Going Tobe Ok.

Throughout our lifetime we will find ourselves being judged. Sometimes the judgments are harsh and uncalled for, and other times they are needed, or even asked for, so we can grow and learn.   Justified or unjustified, there are instances when our feelings are hurt by those who have judged us, and we become disconnected from our true selves as we become emotionally distraught in trying to make sense of the judgments.

When I was young, my mom gave me good advice when she told me to stay away from, or at least limit my contact with judgmental people; I can unequivocally say it was easier to do then than it is now.  With social media, blogging and trashing internet news sites, many of us experience judgments about any and every aspect of our person.  What was once somewhat avoidable is no longer so easily rendered void.

Having been on the receiving end of unasked for judgment, I know the emotional hurt associated with it. Though it has sometimes been painful, I’m thankful for going through these judgemental experiences; As with all things in life even what we perceive to be bad at the moment, always has a silver lining. One of those silver linings for me is I have been able to use my painful experiences to help others who are going through the pain of being judged, misjudged or even rightly judged.

Over the years I have helped others to use the following methods to deal with judgment. It’s straightforward, easy to understand and implement.

The pain you are experiencing from being judged, especially when the judgment is harsh or uncalled for, is real it affects you physically, mentally and emotionally.  Let’s feel better:

  • Find a quiet place to sit.
  • Close your eyes and just breathe in through your nose and out through your mouth. Notice the sound of your breath. Do this for a few moments.
  • Picture your judge and center them in a shining, loving light from above. Without thinking why they judged you, tell your accuser, your criticizer, your judge, thank you, thank you, thank you, and keep picturing them in the light for a few more moments.

Taking these steps, and having acknowledged that you’ve been hurt, you are releasing yourself from their judgment, and you’re grateful for what you have learned from them.

Blessings, Robert C. Morgan  “Bobby” 2017

Unhappyfranchisee  spreads fake news about Robert Morgan franchise cuppy’s coffee

So, What Are You Really Feeling?

Patience is needed by me. I know that having it in the forefront of my life will enable me to be in tune with the heart of my Father.  I am so in need of grace and even mercy so I can live in the midst of God’s blessings. Please help me to be patient and to trust You for all my needs. Let my time be Your time.

Anger… Wow, how my impatience’ feed’s into my craziness. Am I ever going to be able to trust God? Am I ever going to not feel angry?

I sometimes feel like I have it altogether nothing can throw me off-balance; then without notice, the confidence is gone, I have crashed and burned. Blindsided again. Test after test, trial after trial.

What is it that I am missing as I traverse the earth at 30,000 feet? How is it that my frustration is utmost in my mind? Most of the time I feel pretty much in control of my thoughts and feelings, yet here I sit annoyed at being a little uncomfortable.

Hmmm… The old saying “ When you think you’re enlightened go home for Thanksgiving”. This really applies to me at this moment. The good thing is that it’s just at this moment I feel this way, and I can change my state of consciousness in seconds.  I have to laugh at myself. Clowns to the left of me you on the right here I am stuck in the middle with you! And I do mean me when I say you! So with a heart of gratitude, I leave this ineffective state of being and enter into a heart of thanksgiving. A heart of gratitude. Oh, how lucky I am. Oh, how blessed I am. Oh, how whole I feel in knowing I am, the I am, and the I Am is me. By the way, I am no more, or no less than anyone else. It’s become clear that we are all the I Am and the I Am is all of us as well.

Robert “BobbyMorgan

What Do I Really Want?

What is it that you want my son?

I want peace – That I may harm no person in spirit, soul, mind or flesh.

I want to love – That I may never judge another person. May I be blinded by the light of Christ that dwells in all mankind.

I want to forgive and receive forgiveness – That I may always be ready to see my weaknesses and wrongs and to seek forgiveness for pain and injury that I have caused.

I want to show kindness –  That it would be my badge of honor. May it flow like a spring from my heart. May it cover my many faults and heal these I have hurt. May it right wrongs. May it always be the part of me that is ready to serve others, so they might recognize that they are You and we are all one in You.

I want to be gentle –  That I may be the purveyor and recipient of this wonderful grace. May it hang like a cloud around me, so all that all  who come into my presence are blessed .

To suffer well – That I may only have what I can endure. That I may always have enough to remain humble and dependent upon my Lord. That I would be ready to take on the physical, spiritual, emotional, financial, and any pain to help God’s children, who all are my brothers and sisters. I mean all people without any parameters!

I want to be filled with Joy – Knowing that I am doing exactly what brings a smile to my Creators face and causes His heart to sing.

Robert “BobbyMorgan