Dreams Come True When You Stop Trying To Manifest And Align With Love

Manifesting what we desire is an amazing feeling of accomplishment. The more we do it, the easier it becomes to manifest what is most beneficial for ourselves and in alignment with God’s highest purpose, shown through “agape,” selfless love in action.

For me, manifesting is like “praying without ceasing,” every manifestation is a miraculous event, that brings about goodness, kindness, strength, honor, faith, grace, forgiveness, healing, patience, stillness, knowledge, wisdom, financial security, mercy, love, and forgiveness. These are but a few of the many circumstances I now find myself in as I live a life of miracles.  The more I manifest from a heart aligned with the heart of LOVE that lives in me, the Great I AM is replacing the little me, my little I am, more day-by-day,

I love manifesting miracle after miracle, each manifestation serves as a basis for the next one, like I said it’s like saying never-ending prayers all of which are being answered before I have finished praying.  I find myself in this perfect manifesting state when I am manifesting from my heart and not my head.  I know there are many things I want, but some of my desires may not be in alignment with Love “God Is Love,” so I now always ask will this manifestation make me a more loving person? Will it bring me closer to being one with the heart of The Great I AM? Will what I manifest bless others? If I cannot answer yes to theses three questions, I know it’s not in divine order to bring forth the manifestation, at this time.

Here’s something really awesome, that’s happened to me over the past year or so. It’s as if I no longer am asking for something to materialize. I feel the miracle has already happened and my state of manifestation is a celebratory acknowledgment of what already has come into materialization.  It’s more like I feel I already have it before I can manifest it. It’s as if my grateful heart sees’s my desire already manifested, already in place, my prayers answered before I asked. Now it seems all I want to do is say thank you, thank you, thank you to my Creator, the world and myself.

One last thing that has absolutely helped me in my life of manifesting is to always pray and meditate upon how or what I’m about to manifest will affect my life, especially my spiritual life as it relates to my Christ consciousness.  I now spend more time in the state of prayer and meditation than I do focused on actually manifesting. Unfortunately, some of what I’ve manifested over the past years was directed by my mind, not my heart, and I’ve found that manifesting my desires is much easier than living with some of the circumstances I have created. My advice is ALWAYS manifest from a heart, aligned with love and the materialization of your manifestation will bring about wonderful results for you and all mankind.

I am at peace with my life, and my heartfelt manifestations. I am grateful for all I have learned and am learning.  In the new year, I  pray that each of us will find our lives energized by the Spirit, the I Am, the Creator, the Christ or by whatever name you to call LOVE.  So, let the manifestations begin and our dreams lived.

Blessings, Robert C. Morgan “Bobby”

“Your Love Lifts Me Higher and Higher”

I love my journey into Christ Consciousness, as I get to know Jesus I find out more about my true spiritual self and connect more intimately with the Great I Am.  Life has become more precious as I walk its pathways, knowing and experiencing the miracle of the Kingdom of God that lives within me.  

Life has become more valuable, as I walk its paths, and experience the power and blessings of the Kingdom of Heaven as it lives, breathes and flourishes within me.  Birth, life, and death become one as I enter into the Holy of Holies and my pure fellowship with the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit has now begun to consume my every waking moment.

The more hours I spend in the presence of the Great I AM, my own understanding of my earthly nature is more easily understood. Day-by-day  I am gaining a deeper appreciation of why I suffer temptations, make mistakes (Sin), get sick, old and forgetful. Most important of all, I recognize I am like a child, ever learning how to accept and yet change my circumstance as I learn to have faith and trust as Irely upon God teaching me how to live and breathe.

I am eternally grateful for all I am learning from life’s challenges and circumstances, as they are causing me to run to my Father, my Creator, the Great I am. I call him Father for He is ever-caring as a Father should be. He made me, so I am his son and He one with me, and in Christ, alway with me. He is my Daddy, the Lover of my soul.

Together we stand united in never-ending miracles which enable me to overcome my temptations, correct my mistakes, banish sickness from my body, and prosper in grace all of which culminates in my experiencing peace and love of Christ, which is beyond my understanding.

I know what I say may startle and even call down condemnation from some of my Catholic and Protestant friends.  I understand that I no longer have the safety of the church and it’s theology to uphold me. My life has changed and is every changing, for the life of the Christ who taught us from the Sermon On The Mount is now one with me, and I am now living this lifetime in the bosom of the Great I AM. 

 Because of His presence in the Kingdom of Heaven within me,  my life is at most times being lived in this perfect present moment. And time and the theologies of men cannot compare to worshiping and being one in spirit with the Spirit who has created and is creating all things NOW for His good pleasure.

As a child of God, the field, the universe or whatever you wish to call the Great I Am, has made me different and I’m no longer am able to find much peace in theology, or the religious teachings of other men. My relationship with the God is a revelational relationship,  ever growing and changing. As my relationship evolves, it has become an intensely personal relationship, like that of two lovers, a husband, and wife that become one in spirit. Yes, this loving spiritual relationship is mine, and I now know it can only be experienced by me.

There is still a great mystery that I  have yet to solve. I have now reached the place in my spiritual journey where most of the time I feel as if there is only the I AM, and my spirit, my true I am, is one with Him, yet I somehow feel I am still only one of the many expressions of Himself.

The God I love and fellowship with lives within me, making up every aspect of my being. My God is Spirit, not made of flesh and bones, but of the essence of primordial creation itself,  He is love itself, He is the Alpha and Omega.

Thank you, thank you, thank you, Lord. It’s You, who has made me your son, no longer am I a slave to the ways of the world, but a prince in Your kingdom. 

Hallelujah, my chains are broken, my eyes are opened, I live as a free man, free, finding myself in love with you more each day. Your love is beyond compare, it causes me to fall to my knees, then makes me lay prostate before you as I bring my love offering of gratitude, yes, worshiping You with every ounce of who I am giving praise and thanksgiving to the One who has created me for Himself. 

“Your Love Lifts Me Higher and Higher”

Love and Blessings, Robert C. Morgan “Bobby” 2017

Expect Miracles To Happen And They Will

The clock has struck twelve, the first day of the new year has arrived, my spiritual awareness is keen. I can feel spiritual winds bringing to me what is mine by the grace of God. I have never felt so present, so peaceful and in harmony with God’s plan for my life. I gather up from within me the light and love, emanating from the kingdom of heaven within me.

God’s power, is my ability, and I am filled with overwhelming peace, joy, and love. His miracles fall upon me, refreshing me like a spring rain, renewing my spirit and bringing life to my spiritual seed, enabling me to once again recognize that the I AM is my I am. We are one and what belongs to the I AM belongs to me. Divine Order is once again established in perfect balance, culminating in miracle after miracle. Everything I desire lies within God’s Divine order, so my peace is perfected, as my greatest expectations come to pass in the twinkling of an eye.

Today, my life is one of miracles. No longer do I live in the spiritual deserts of the past, nor dwell on what might, could or should be in the future. The great I Am has knocked, and I have opened the door to my heart, and it will never be closed again for He has nailed it in place.

May this year be your year for miracles.

Robert C. Morgan “Bobby”

I Know One Thing For Sure… God Loves Us

The other day I met up with a friend, he said I need to be saved from my sin.

I told him I knew that story, but I would listen again.

He had become different, and he now wore a fiery brand, telling me I was sinful, a hell bound, worldly man.

He said I must be saved from hell, by the name I already know.

Leave the one I love and follow him, and church, wherever they say go.  

Deny my heart’s emotions and submit to his God’s will, follow all the Bible’s instructions and remember to be still.

I ask is that all there is? And this was his reply; Do these things from A-Z, and you will never die.

I thanked him for his friendship and moved along my way, thanking the God of love for another day.

The other day I met up with my friend, the investor who had a deal for me.

He told me if I invest with him and do exactly what he said I’d be rich as hell, and finally debt free.

I ask is that all there is? And this was his reply; Do these things from A-Z, and someday you will rich like me.

I thanked him for his offer and moved along my way, thanking the God of love for another day.

I know one thing for sure is that God loves you and me and as we trust in our divine purpose, we will all be just fine, here, now and for all eternity.

Robert “Bobby” Morgan





Captured by You

It is you oh divine Spirit who has taken me captive. You alone bring healing and freedom to my soul. You become one with me, leading me gently into the kingdom of the heavenly realms within me. You have ensnared my every thought, ever shaping my world, ever drawing me into your loving embrace.  I am in awe as You build a new mansion of light and love within me, giving me rest for my soul, peace to my mind and strength in my body.  You are my home, my abode, my resting place; In the comfort of your presence, You heal my every wound. There is nothing I can ask for that You do not already know of and making wish fulfilled.

I live, I breathe for I am found within the great I AM, and the great I AM is found within me. Thank You, thank You, thank You.

Robert “Bobby” Morgan

Grace & Mercy Shall Follow Me All The Days Of My Life

Abundance surrounds me. Grace and mercy flow from the throne of heaven, immersing me in a deep peace that cannot be described by the tongues of men. I who fail at every turn am found worthy of love, light, and forgiveness. Blessed be the I am, blessed be the Lord, blessed be all Gods children, especially those who express unfettered love towards each other.

May all of us find ourselves in the perfect will of our Father.  May we rest in Him and renew our spirits, as we give up our own desires and align our hearts with His heart, becoming one beating heart, all of us together.  No more alone, no more separation from each other, we now have returned to our beginning, all of us being one in the body of Christ. For its is He who live and breathes for us all.

Robert “Bobby” Morgan

I Breathe Because You Breathe

You give me my heart’s desire. I am undeserving, yet you treat me as your son, your brother, a prince in the kingdom of God. No matter what challenge comes before me, you swiftly move from my side and become my shield, my advocate, my hope and my savior. What does a man such as I have in common with one such as you? What have I done to be so deserving of You? Oh, silly man I am to even to ask such a question of the one who has held me to Himself since before time began.  Your patience with me and all my brothers never ceases to bring me to my knees in gratitude. You are worthy of my constant praise and songs of deep thanksgiving.

I breathe because You breathe. As I learn the ways of the Lord and follow Him in the heaven within me. I am upheld by his hand. I am supported by His very breath. No words need to pass our lips, Just gazing into to His loving eyes I am blessed beyond earthly measure and transported to the stars.

Robert “BobbyMorgan


Aligned Together Forever

My Lord and my God, I find myself faithful to You, aligned with your purpose, immersed in your will. Filled with light, love, and joy so that I am a blessing to everyone. Lord let me be a bearer of burdens, not the cause. May all my word be encouraging to myself and all your creation. 

May family, friends, and foe know that I love them with all my heart and I will love them more each day. Strike down within me anything that would make me think more of myself and less of them. You are my standard, You are my mind and my heart. Change me into the person you need me to be today. I love you, Lord.

Father, there is nothing that can keep me from You. I release everything that stands between you and me. I run to you, I find myself only in You, and You in me. The world passes away, yet you always remain in my presence. Oh, what joy it is to spend my days with you. Oh, what wonder it is to find you in every aspect of my world. You oh Lord are my very breath.

Joy is who you are, Lord it is You who gives me all that I require. You are the one who feeds my body, soul, and spirit. You know my needs before I ask… Is there no place I can go that you are not there? Of course not. You are always with me, in me, about me. You fill me, You restore my confidence when I feel lost or unsure. I only need to remember You and the darkness becomes light. You extinguish the pain and heal my hurts. I love you, I adore you, I am You and You are me, and we are forever together. Light of my world. Love of my life. Thank you, thank you, thank you.

Robert “BobbyMorgan

What Do I Really Want?

What is it that you want my son?

I want peace – That I may harm no person in spirit, soul, mind or flesh.

I want to love – That I may never judge another person. May I be blinded by the light of Christ that dwells in all mankind.

I want to forgive and receive forgiveness – That I may always be ready to see my weaknesses and wrongs and to seek forgiveness for pain and injury that I have caused.

I want to show kindness –  That it would be my badge of honor. May it flow like a spring from my heart. May it cover my many faults and heal these I have hurt. May it right wrongs. May it always be the part of me that is ready to serve others, so they might recognize that they are You and we are all one in You.

I want to be gentle –  That I may be the purveyor and recipient of this wonderful grace. May it hang like a cloud around me, so all that all  who come into my presence are blessed .

To suffer well – That I may only have what I can endure. That I may always have enough to remain humble and dependent upon my Lord. That I would be ready to take on the physical, spiritual, emotional, financial, and any pain to help God’s children, who all are my brothers and sisters. I mean all people without any parameters!

I want to be filled with Joy – Knowing that I am doing exactly what brings a smile to my Creators face and causes His heart to sing.

Robert “BobbyMorgan

Light Of The World

Light of the world, ignite a flame whose wick is your eternal love, so that it may burn within me for all eternity. You are the one and only true light and my heart desires to only beat in your perfection.

Strength, of my strength. Power from above and within, I am yours for your purpose. May your will be done in the heaven within me and upon the earth. May all of us fall to our knees in your presence. May all of us seek your face. May all of us breathe your holy name.

Robert “BobbyMorgan

For Your Name Is Holy

Precious Lord and Father of all, only You know what I need. I humbly ask You to deliver me from my enemies and give me a chance to live wholly according to your purpose in my life.  Come, Lord Jesus, Come, my King.  Let me be filled with your purpose and most perfect will.

Holy Lord creator of all that is seen and unseen, I bow before you. Lord, I worship you, Lord I worship you. For your name is Holy, Holy Lord.