“Your Love Lifts Me Higher and Higher”

I love my journey into Christ Consciousness, as I get to know Jesus I find out more about my true spiritual self and connect more intimately with the Great I Am.  Life has become more precious as I walk its pathways, knowing and experiencing the miracle of the Kingdom of God that lives within me.  

Life has become more valuable, as I walk its paths, and experience the power and blessings of the Kingdom of Heaven as it lives, breathes and flourishes within me.  Birth, life, and death become one as I enter into the Holy of Holies and my pure fellowship with the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit has now begun to consume my every waking moment.

The more hours I spend in the presence of the Great I AM, my own understanding of my earthly nature is more easily understood. Day-by-day  I am gaining a deeper appreciation of why I suffer temptations, make mistakes (Sin), get sick, old and forgetful. Most important of all, I recognize I am like a child, ever learning how to accept and yet change my circumstance as I learn to have faith and trust as Irely upon God teaching me how to live and breathe.

I am eternally grateful for all I am learning from life’s challenges and circumstances, as they are causing me to run to my Father, my Creator, the Great I am. I call him Father for He is ever-caring as a Father should be. He made me, so I am his son and He one with me, and in Christ, alway with me. He is my Daddy, the Lover of my soul.

Together we stand united in never-ending miracles which enable me to overcome my temptations, correct my mistakes, banish sickness from my body, and prosper in grace all of which culminates in my experiencing peace and love of Christ, which is beyond my understanding.

I know what I say may startle and even call down condemnation from some of my Catholic and Protestant friends.  I understand that I no longer have the safety of the church and it’s theology to uphold me. My life has changed and is every changing, for the life of the Christ who taught us from the Sermon On The Mount is now one with me, and I am now living this lifetime in the bosom of the Great I AM. 

 Because of His presence in the Kingdom of Heaven within me,  my life is at most times being lived in this perfect present moment. And time and the theologies of men cannot compare to worshiping and being one in spirit with the Spirit who has created and is creating all things NOW for His good pleasure.

As a child of God, the field, the universe or whatever you wish to call the Great I Am, has made me different and I’m no longer am able to find much peace in theology, or the religious teachings of other men. My relationship with the God is a revelational relationship,  ever growing and changing. As my relationship evolves, it has become an intensely personal relationship, like that of two lovers, a husband, and wife that become one in spirit. Yes, this loving spiritual relationship is mine, and I now know it can only be experienced by me.

There is still a great mystery that I  have yet to solve. I have now reached the place in my spiritual journey where most of the time I feel as if there is only the I AM, and my spirit, my true I am, is one with Him, yet I somehow feel I am still only one of the many expressions of Himself.

The God I love and fellowship with lives within me, making up every aspect of my being. My God is Spirit, not made of flesh and bones, but of the essence of primordial creation itself,  He is love itself, He is the Alpha and Omega.

Thank you, thank you, thank you, Lord. It’s You, who has made me your son, no longer am I a slave to the ways of the world, but a prince in Your kingdom. 

Hallelujah, my chains are broken, my eyes are opened, I live as a free man, free, finding myself in love with you more each day. Your love is beyond compare, it causes me to fall to my knees, then makes me lay prostate before you as I bring my love offering of gratitude, yes, worshiping You with every ounce of who I am giving praise and thanksgiving to the One who has created me for Himself. 

“Your Love Lifts Me Higher and Higher”

Love and Blessings, Robert C. Morgan “Bobby” 2017