Your Words Are The I AM Within You

Our words have the power to love, protect, heal or injure. Let us pray we only use them to bring about what lifts our fellow man. 

The Word Became Flesh

In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. He was with God in the beginning. Through him all things were made; without him, nothing was made that has been made. In him was life, and that life was the light of all mankind. The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it.

This same life that was the Word, in the beginning, is now in each of us. It is He who gives us the imagination, knowledge, and information we need to use our words to create blessings or curses. It is our words that bring us happiness or sadness, life or death.  “By thy words, thou shalt be justified, and by thy words, thou shalt be condemned,” and “death and life are in the power of the tongue.”

We wheeled a powerful weapon. It is much like a magic wand that heals the hurts of mankind or sword that brings death and destruction. Thus it behooves us to be men and women of love and compassion so that we might bless, rather than curse each other. As a healer, it is my heart’s prayer that I will bring joy to the sorrowful and health to sick and riches to the poor. May I never again intentionally or unintentionally harm any of God’s children, as I learn to bridle my tongue and let the great I Am, guide and direct my every word. Amen.

May your life be filled with every blessing. Robert C. Morgan “Bobby”

“O would thy heart but be a manger for His birth! God would once more become a child on earth” Unknown

As I traverse this lifetime, I am surer than ever that the Christ I know dwells in me and always has. The Christ I speak of is the Son of God, the King of Kings, the Matrix, the Source, the Field, the Creator and every other highest name under heaven. Though I may have little historical proof of His earthly existence, I am not deterred, in knowing in my heartfelt belief that He is manifested in me and me in Him. Together we are one in spirit, mind, and body. He is my world, and I am His. There is no god before or after Him. He is the Word and the Word dwells in me. Call it my imagination if you so wish, but oh what a beautiful imagining it is. What a more magnificent world it would be if each of us believed this about ourselves and when we looked at each other we saw the face of Jesus, the face of love.  

  • Awake thou that sleepest, and arise from the dead, and Christ shall give thee light. Ephesians 5:14
  • You did not choose me, I have chosen you. John 15:16
  • Believe that ye receive and ye shall receive. Mark 11:24

May the season of Christmas remind us of who we are and that we live and breathe because its is He who lives in us all. Let us all awake!

Blessings, Robert C. Morgan”Bobby” Morgan


Watch And Worship, The Light Will Grow Stronger Until It’s Infinite

Being a seeker of truth my highest desire is to be one in spirit with the Spirt that created all things. I know there is more than one road to be taken on my quest of Christ consciousness and the understanding of what it really means being one with the I AM.

I also know that my spiritual experience is uniquely mine and that each of us finds ourselves on our personal spiritual and religious roads, usually based on our temperament, our family of origin and our national heritage. I honestly believe that there is no one way to meet each of our individual needs, only you know the path to which you belong. 

During my spiritual journey, I found, for me,  being in a state of Christ consciousness is where I am most at peace.  Part of my being able to maintain this state is to focus my attention on worshiping my God and living from the end. In other words living as if I have already obtained my heart’s desires. 

As I focus my intentions on my desired state, living as if I have already received my heart’s desires, I find, I’m more naturally inclined towards practicing mindful, loving kindness towards my brothers and sister and living in a state of joyful worship of my Creator.  

The incredible sense of joy I experience, recognizing that with my heart’s desire of being one with the Spirit is already done, my wish has been fulfilled and I am able to do all things because I am one with the I Am. In fact, most day’s I feel as though I am the richest man in the world and I’m safe in the arms of my Creator, who gives me the spiritual, physical and mental strength to live a rich and more useful, fulfilling life while on the earth.

I also know this, though I still love practicing them, my meditations, religious contemplations, and self−sacrificing for others, as well as studying the words of Christ and other spiritual teachers do not bring me the peace that passes human understanding. None of theses actions together or alone can take me closer than I already am when I imagine who I am and live from the end of that imagination.

Today I acknowledge,  I’m responsible for what is happening to me. I am the creator of my world, and each of my fellow humans is to themselves the way, the truth, and the life in their worlds.  Yet, the greatest mystery to me is that though we are each spiritual individuals, we are all part of Christ, being intricately connected, being parts of the only I Am, finding ourselves forever one with each other.  

So, I will trust being able to bring forth a good life as I live in the end of my imaginings, my heart with songs worship knowing that Christ’s light will grow stronger day-by-day in my life.

I will look for the flower to bloom in the silence that follows the storm, not till then.

I am one with the I Am and the I AM is one with me.

Love and Blessings, Robert C. Morgan “Bobby” 2017

And So They Have Misjudged You, It’s Going Tobe Ok.

Throughout our lifetime we will find ourselves being judged. Sometimes the judgments are harsh and uncalled for, and other times they are needed, or even asked for, so we can grow and learn.   Justified or unjustified, there are instances when our feelings are hurt by those who have judged us, and we become disconnected from our true selves as we become emotionally distraught in trying to make sense of the judgments.

When I was young, my mom gave me good advice when she told me to stay away from, or at least limit my contact with judgmental people; I can unequivocally say it was easier to do then than it is now.  With social media, blogging and trashing internet news sites, many of us experience judgments about any and every aspect of our person.  What was once somewhat avoidable is no longer so easily rendered void.

Having been on the receiving end of unasked for judgment, I know the emotional hurt associated with it. Though it has sometimes been painful, I’m thankful for going through these judgemental experiences; As with all things in life even what we perceive to be bad at the moment, always has a silver lining. One of those silver linings for me is I have been able to use my painful experiences to help others who are going through the pain of being judged, misjudged or even rightly judged.

Over the years I have helped others to use the following methods to deal with judgment. It’s straightforward, easy to understand and implement.

The pain you are experiencing from being judged, especially when the judgment is harsh or uncalled for, is real it affects you physically, mentally and emotionally.  Let’s feel better:

  • Find a quiet place to sit.
  • Close your eyes and just breathe in through your nose and out through your mouth. Notice the sound of your breath. Do this for a few moments.
  • Picture your judge and center them in a shining, loving light from above. Without thinking why they judged you, tell your accuser, your criticizer, your judge, thank you, thank you, thank you, and keep picturing them in the light for a few more moments.

Taking these steps, and having acknowledged that you’ve been hurt, you are releasing yourself from their judgment, and you’re grateful for what you have learned from them.

Blessings, Robert C. Morgan  “Bobby” 2017

Unhappyfranchisee  spreads fake news about Robert Morgan franchise cuppy’s coffee

I Know One Thing For Sure… God Loves Us

The other day I met up with a friend, he said I need to be saved from my sin.

I told him I knew that story, but I would listen again.

He had become different, and he now wore a fiery brand, telling me I was sinful, a hell bound, worldly man.

He said I must be saved from hell, by the name I already know.

Leave the one I love and follow him, and church, wherever they say go.  

Deny my heart’s emotions and submit to his God’s will, follow all the Bible’s instructions and remember to be still.

I ask is that all there is? And this was his reply; Do these things from A-Z, and you will never die.

I thanked him for his friendship and moved along my way, thanking the God of love for another day.

The other day I met up with my friend, the investor who had a deal for me.

He told me if I invest with him and do exactly what he said I’d be rich as hell, and finally debt free.

I ask is that all there is? And this was his reply; Do these things from A-Z, and someday you will rich like me.

I thanked him for his offer and moved along my way, thanking the God of love for another day.

I know one thing for sure is that God loves you and me and as we trust in our divine purpose, we will all be just fine, here, now and for all eternity.

Robert “Bobby” Morgan





I Can Feel Your Presence

I know you’re there, I can feel your presence. I had always known You, even before I was in my mother’s womb you had cradled me in your arms for all eternity, I am your son, and You are my Father, my Creator, my King, my Heart.  I am in You and You are in me.

So many sacred maps I’ve followed from here to distant shores, yet somehow knowing all along I would end here, where I began, home with You.

As I lay here in carnal death, I now know there is nothing to figure out about You, about us. There is only You and me, just as it has always been and will always be. No mysteries, no puzzles, no religions, just us.

You are my I Am, and I am in You and You are in me.

Thank you, thank you, thank you.

Robert “Bobby” Morgan


Would you? 

Claudia Hernandez

image: pinterest What would you say if i invited you to smile every day?

What would you say if i proposed you to hug someone every day?

What would you say if i dared you to make someone laugh every day?

What would you say if i challenged you to make the world a better place?

If you’re answer is yes, go change the world. You have the power to love, to be kind and to be good. Stop worrying about everything because everything does happen for a reason. Smile, be happy and spread that happiness. Go make the world a better place. I trust you and I hope you trust yourself too 🙂

©Claudia Hernández

Instagram: claudiaher98
Facebook: writingclaud

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Captured by You

It is you oh divine Spirit who has taken me captive. You alone bring healing and freedom to my soul. You become one with me, leading me gently into the kingdom of the heavenly realms within me. You have ensnared my every thought, ever shaping my world, ever drawing me into your loving embrace.  I am in awe as You build a new mansion of light and love within me, giving me rest for my soul, peace to my mind and strength in my body.  You are my home, my abode, my resting place; In the comfort of your presence, You heal my every wound. There is nothing I can ask for that You do not already know of and making wish fulfilled.

I live, I breathe for I am found within the great I AM, and the great I AM is found within me. Thank You, thank You, thank You.

Robert “Bobby” Morgan

Holiday Unconsciousness… Is It The Food? It’s The Family? Is It Me?

Being conscious and living in a spirit of love and light is not always as easy to maintain as you would think. Here it is Christmas again and with it being the season of good cheer you would think to be conscious, loving, kind, understanding, patient, gentle, forgiving and experiencing all the other benefits of consiouness should be easier.  And yes, during most days during the Christmas season, I can maintain a higher state of consciouses, but for me, some really tough moments seem to always arise when I interact with certain individual family members, yikes, these guys really know how to kick my butt, what happened to my being and awakened person?

Hmmm, seasonal unconsciousness, now that’s something to think about, maybe I just have too much time on my hands.

Oh well,  even with  Christmas carols playing on the radio stations and festive lights adorning the neighborhood homes and stores there are still moments when I feel like I have been run over by Mannheim Steamroller after being with these certain family members, Yes, it’s true I find myself entering into a lower vibratory state.  Uh, I use to describe the lower vibratory state, my state of unconscious as my being a little irritated, frustrated, anxious, intolerant impatient, ect., you probably know what I mean. Now I just kind of wrap all of those negative feelings into one bundle and attribute them to my being in that low vibrational state we identify as spiritual unconsciousness.

There’s got to be a reason for my actions, my unconsciousness. Maybe it’s all the junk food I’m eating, sugar and spice really are not nice, and the extra ten pounds I have already gained since Thanksgiving is not helping with my stress and anxiety.  Ok, wake up, it’s time to stop eating like a starving little piggy and get back to your healthy habits. My gosh how easy it is to fall into unconsciousness when you have immersed your brain in eggnog.

What could be wrong? Really my consciousness should be shining, I have extra to celebrate this Christmas, we just moved into our new house, small, lovely and freshly painted. Yep freshly painted. Youch,  I know better than to move directly into a house that’s been freshly painted with VOC paint. I have a degree in  Naturopathic Medicine, I’m educated about this sort of thing, right? RIGHT!
Must be all the sugar and spice affecting my consciousness and ability to make good decisions.  Now my whole family will have to deal with the cognitive health problems associated with the VOC’s in the paint, and I will have to even work harder to be conscious throughout the year. By the way, I’m feeling a little dizzy, and I just forgot what I was writing about.  Cumulative effect?
At the beginning of 2016, I made a commitment to keep my cell phone away from my head, so I bought earphone with a mic built in. Unfortunately, I only used this contraption a few times, so I am undoubtedly suffering from the negative effects of long-term radiation exposure; which makes me angry and resentful, both of which I feel guilty about, thus causing me to spiral once again into a state of negative talk and a lower vibratory state. Oh man what next!
Well, I’m glad we can poke fun at ourselves, for me, recognizing my humanity with all its bumps, bruises and scars really help to keep things perspective and enables me to more easily come up out of my small view of my state of consciousness.
Wishing all of you the happiest of Holidays, A Merry Christmas and A Happy New Year. Blessings,
Robert “Bobby” Morgan

I Am A Powerful Creator

No man can overcome me accept I give permission for it to be so. No lie or slander can destroy me unless I give it permission to do so. No pain or suffering can overwhelm me unless I say so. I am the master of my house the Lord of my destiny. The creator of my reality for I am in Him and He is in me.

I am thankful for pain, for loss and for troubles that beset me. I know they will instill humility, helping to restrain and balance my ego.  The criticism and sharp jabs of my enemies wound me, but never can they vanquish my spirit, for I am not who they say. I am one with Christ, one with His consciousness, one in His Spirit. I am never as bad as my detractors would say, or as great as the praises my friends extol upon me. I am a man with good and bad traits. I am a son of God.

On my weakest of days I Sometimes I cry out for relief from the pain associated with the false accusations of my accusers, then I remember all the things I should be rightly accused of, and I fall to my knees and pray forgiveness. May I always be found upon my knee’s, at least in the deepest recesses of my heart.

Robert “Bobby” Morgan

Grace & Mercy Shall Follow Me All The Days Of My Life

Abundance surrounds me. Grace and mercy flow from the throne of heaven, immersing me in a deep peace that cannot be described by the tongues of men. I who fail at every turn am found worthy of love, light, and forgiveness. Blessed be the I am, blessed be the Lord, blessed be all Gods children, especially those who express unfettered love towards each other.

May all of us find ourselves in the perfect will of our Father.  May we rest in Him and renew our spirits, as we give up our own desires and align our hearts with His heart, becoming one beating heart, all of us together.  No more alone, no more separation from each other, we now have returned to our beginning, all of us being one in the body of Christ. For its is He who live and breathes for us all.

Robert “Bobby” Morgan

I Breathe Because You Breathe

You give me my heart’s desire. I am undeserving, yet you treat me as your son, your brother, a prince in the kingdom of God. No matter what challenge comes before me, you swiftly move from my side and become my shield, my advocate, my hope and my savior. What does a man such as I have in common with one such as you? What have I done to be so deserving of You? Oh, silly man I am to even to ask such a question of the one who has held me to Himself since before time began.  Your patience with me and all my brothers never ceases to bring me to my knees in gratitude. You are worthy of my constant praise and songs of deep thanksgiving.

I breathe because You breathe. As I learn the ways of the Lord and follow Him in the heaven within me. I am upheld by his hand. I am supported by His very breath. No words need to pass our lips, Just gazing into to His loving eyes I am blessed beyond earthly measure and transported to the stars.

Robert “BobbyMorgan