Gratitude A Powerful Healing Modality

Gratitude, It’s The State Of Mind And A Guiding Star

I can’t speak for everyone, but I sure am glad, I finally live most of my life in a place of gratitude. I am not bragging, I’m just claiming and acknowledging the blessings that an attitude of gratitude brings to me. I’m not going to lie, it’s not easy. In fact, it can be downright difficult at times. But if you’re someone who is seeking a happier and more fulfilling life, then I encourage you to give gratitude a try.

Although my state of mind and spirit are not always perfect, when I begin to lose sight of gratitude—my guiding star in life—I quickly realign myself. I have learned that when I am grateful, my life is better. When I am not, it’s worse. And so I strive to maintain a mindset of gratitude as often as possible—even when things aren’t going the way I want them to go or when life throws me curveballs (which it does quite often).

Living my life with my first intention of being grateful for everything helps me to be more physically, psychology relationally and spiritually healthy.

Having an attitude of gratitude, means we live life at a higher vibration, making it easier for us, as well as those around us, to experience the joy of living at a higher level. Practicing an attitude of gratitude instills in us increased levels of peace of mind, happiness, vibrant health, and deeper, more satisfying personal relationships.

Gratitude is the one thing that cost us nothing to give, yet it attracts outrageous levels of abundance
in every area of our lives. It’s not just a nice thing to do, it’s the law of attraction in action. When we appreciate and acknowledge what we have, our lives become easier and more enjoyable. We attract more good into our lives instead of focusing on what is missing or wrong with them. Gratitude helps us feel happier and more positive about ourselves, as well as others around us.

An attitude of gratitude seems to have an almost magical healing effect, as it clears karma or past wrongs while touching every part of our being, making every aspect of our life better. So, if you want to be in the best physical, psychological, relational and spiritual shape, maybe it’s time to put your intentions on having an attitude of gratitude.