In All Things Be Grateful Show Gratitude

If you want more of everything that is good for you, then be grateful and express gratitude for everything that happens in your life. There are few things more important than maintaining an attitude of gratitude; after all, what else can you give a God who has everything?

Instinctively and experientially we know the importance of being grateful and showing gratitude, but I wanted some scriptural references, so  I looked up scriptures concerning thankfulness, gratefulness, and gratitude when I came across this passage in Luke.

“Therefore consider carefully how you listen. Whoever has will be given more; whoever does not have, even what he thinks he has will be taken from him.” 

I was having a difficult time understanding this verse until I took the liberty of adding in the word gratitude, then the verse made perfect sense, as its words now aligned with my instinctual and life experiences.

After reading and reading this passage in Luke, as well as related passages in Mark, this passage, as well as the other passage from Mark seem to be missing the word GRATITUDE. Without the word gratitude the verse, is confusing, even suggesting that the rich get richer and the poor get poorer, which does not align with the Christs teachings.

Let’s take a look at what a vast difference this verse makes when we add the word gratitude to the verse.

Therefore consider carefully how you listen. Whoever has GRATITUDE will be given more; whoever does not have GRATITUDE, even what he thinks he has will be taken from him.”

By putting the word gratitude into the verse it brings the verse in line with the teachings and heart of Christ. Though more than two thousand years have passed since this verse was written, its truths are as relevant today as when Christ spoke the words.  

Being religious has nothing to do with our living out our lives in a state of gratefulness. The Creator meant for all of us to live an abundant life and a key to experiencing that life is to always remember to be grateful for everything and in all situations. Having a heart of gratefulness has proven to be one of the Creators universal laws. We can not live a useful life without it, as an attitude of gratitude has a positive effect on every aspect of our physical and spiritual lives.

Jesus teaches and encourages us to be grateful, for our lives are reflections of our thoughts, our thoughts are energy and become physical manifestations. Remember, whatever you think about the most you will attract, so when you’re in an attitude of gratitude, you will automatically draw abundance into your life.

I Am Grateful Action Plan

  • Each day, throughout the day, think about all that you’re grateful for.
  • Take the time to write down twenty-five things, challenges, or situations you are grateful for.
  • Post your list somewhere you can easily see it.
  • Read your list at least once a day and say out loud – Thank you, Thank you, thank you.
  • Update gratefulness list as more things you are grateful for come to mind. Focus in on having at least one-hundred things you are grateful for added to your list within thirty days.
  • Share what you are grateful for with family and friends.

 Feel the gratitude developing every cell of your body.  Let your attitude of gratitude draw more and more beautiful things into your life.  You deserve them.

Love and Blessings,

Robert Morgan “Bobby”

Don’t Worry Be Happy!

What could be more important than being happy? I know that when I’m happy I find being kind, gentle and loving to be pretty easy; and being happy with my lot and grateful for every breath is a feeling surrounds me most all the time.   Being in this state of mind and heart helps me to become an active and compassionate Christ Conscious person, able to reach out to the hurting,  bringing them physical, spiritual and psychological comfort.       When our thoughts and lives reflect Christ Consciousness, instead of religion, philosophy, and dogma, we naturally live from the spirit, the heart and reflect the light of Christ, becoming patient, kind, gentle and loving with ourselves and others. This life of happiness helps our thoughts to reflect Christ’s thoughts, and we become His voice, hands, and feet, His very person on earth.

When our thoughts and lives reflect Christ Consciousness, instead of religion, philosophy, and dogma, we naturally live from the spirit, the heart and reflect the light of Christ. Moment by moment we become more patient, kind, gentle and loving with ourselves and others. This life of happiness helps our thoughts to reflect Christ’s thoughts, and we become His voice, hands, and feet, ect., His very person on earth.

When we are happy we find ourselves alive in Christ Consciousness, we are happy in most all circumstances and indeed count all things as gain when we leave ungentleness, unkindness, ungratefulness, and unhappiness behind.  Living in this way we make our lives and the world better.

Possessing all the religious knowledge in the world will not bring happiness, it cannot replace being gentle, kind, and loving to yourself and all creation. It’s in our being lights to the world the toughest life lessons are learned. It’s in the midst life’s challenges that we are given a chance to be happy and live out our Christ Consciousness, continuing to be happy, loving and fulfilled no matter what situation or problem arises.

“Pure happiness is the rightful and healthy condition of the soul, and
all may possess it if they live purely and unselfish. Have goodwill to all that lives, letting unkindness die, and greed and wrath so that your lives be made like soft air passing by.”

Happiness, Love, and  Blessings to All,

Robert “Bobby” Morgan

Everyone Is Different… Some Thoughtful Counsel For My Grandson’s

Everyone Is Different.

Everyone you meet will be different than you, in fact, there is no one like you. Each of us come into this world with so many differences that it would be impossible to address every difference here and now. So, my counsel is to not only accept other people’s differences but embrace their differences and learn all that you can about them. Some of the physical actions you can take are:

  1. Be more than tolerant, be loving and accepting of each person that comes into your life. Accept them just like they are. 
  2. Be patient and listen carefully to what people are saying. Listen more and speak less and you will get to really know the hearts and minds of other people.
  3. Be interested and flexible, every person deserves to be acknowledged for who they are. Learn about your friend’s culture, customs, and religious beliefs. Support them on their life journey.
  4. Always speak highly of others, when you talk about them, or say nothing at all. Every human being needs love and support. Don’t judge them unless you expect to be judged back.
  5. Always keep in mind that when we actually accept the difference between ourselves and others, we will always strive to be respectful, kind and understanding no matter how different we are from each other.

There is an old song that I love. “Red and yellow black and white they are precious in His sight, Jesus loves the little children of the world.” You to can love everyone when you love their differences.

Love and Blessings,

Robert ” Bobby” Morgan



A Mans Character Is Revealed In His Approach To Lifes Circumstances

The circumstances in which a man finds himself does not determine who the man is. Each situation he encounters gives him the opportunity to test himself and see whether his thoughts are divisive, self-serving, and mean-spirited or kind, loving, and virtuous. I believe that the man whose thoughts are focused on what is kind, loving and virtuous will live out their lives ineffective actions that are overflowing with the fruits that come from a good spirit.

Each of us is connected to the Great I Am through our thoughts. Our thoughts are the most powerful of tools as they empower us to do good or evil. We are made up of thoughts, we are not robots(unless we choose to be), but thinkers who have a free choice in every matter concerning our lives. We and we alone are the authors all of our thoughts. With each thought serving as the cornerstone of most everything, we can imagine into existence.

When we find ourselves not obtaining our hearts desires and thwarted at every step, it’s usually because we have not put much thought into what we are trying to achieve. When we think about and focus on our desires and live as if they had already been granted, we automatically lift ourselves out of every earthly quagmire and set ourselves up to feast on our fulfilled desires.

The kingdom of God is within us and recognizing that we are divine son’s and daughter’s of the I Am helps us to have divine thoughts which culminate in holy actions and divine ends. Our prayerful and humble recognition of who we are in Christ frees us from our self-imposed bondage, enabling us to think noble thoughts which in turn enable us to bring about physical demonstrations of healing, health, kindness, and love, in our world.

So, it’s not what we wish for that we get; but we get what we think about the most, as the thoughts we focus on the most, are the ones that come alive and form up in the physical realm. Having this understanding enables us to take responsibility for our thought life and what happens in our lives. We truly do have divine responsibility for our thought life as our thoughts can bring about pain and suffering or peace and love.

When our thoughts, prayers, and desires are manifested in harmony with our Christ Consciousness, we find ourselves experiencing the peace of God, as we’re no longer bound by conscious or unconscious thoughts that thwart our ability to manifest the righteous desires of our hearts.

All of us want better lives, but how many of us are willing to change ourselves, do what it takes to improve ourselves and the lives of those among us? When we improve and change ourselves, it sometimes means giving up the person who we thought we were. It sometimes means having to crucify our egos, dying to our earthly desires.

So, today we seek to improve our circumstance, not by changing the world and people around us, but by changing our own thoughts about who we are and how we can be loving, kind and generous to ourselves as well as to each person who comes into our lives. It’s my opinion that for myself, I must be willing to give up who I believe I am and die to my little earthly self so my eternal spiritual self can reflect the I Am’s divinity that is within me and makes up who I really am.

Blessings, Robert “Bobby” Morgan


Your Going To Make Mistakes

“ I am he who blots out your transgressions, for my own sake, and remembers your sins no more.”

God know’s we are going to make many mistakes during our lifetimes. The miraculous thing is God loves us no matter what we have done and is going to always deliver us from our mistakes and give us another chance.  Making mistakes is part of our human experience and so is God’s forgiveness and restoration.  

Our Creator alway has our best in mind, and we are always forgiven no matter what we have done. God never stops loving us or writes us off, there is always divine mercy and miraculous deliveries awaiting us. We can never hide from God’s love, forgiveness, and restoration, we can only reject it and choose to remain in misery.

We don’t belong in misery as we are unconditionally loved because God is Love and miracle after miracle awaits us no matter how many mistakes we’ ve made, no matter how far we have fallen, God never gives up on us. God never stops forgiving us and restoring us to full fellowship, in the blink of an eye. 

We have only ourselves to blame if we remain stuck in guilt and shame.  God wants us to get up and shake it off!  Don’t waste time looking back, make amends the best you can, accept that you are loved, do your best to give that same love out to everyone who comes into your life and you will be redeemed and miraculously restored, no matter what you have done.

Love and blessings, Bobby

“If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness.”

The Power Of Positive Words

“Gracious words are like a honeycomb, sweetness to the soul and health to the body.”

Today, may the words that come forth from my mouth inspire, heal and bring peace to all who hear them. May not only mankind but all creation be lifted up energized and empowered by my thoughts, words, and presence. 

Today, may all my words create actions that reflect the thoughts that flow from my heart. May each word shine like the sun bringing warmth and comfort to the pained, hope to the downtrodden and encouragement to the discouraged.

Today, may each word I speak, ignite a light in the darkness, illuminating life’s pathways and providing life-giving energy to all who hear.  May my focus always be on holding myself in a state of gratitude, for everything that happens and speaking to myself and all creation with grace, kindness, encouragement, and love. 

Today, may I only speak positive words, making them present in all my speech my greatest goal. May these actions become my daily habit, letting them change me so that I might fully serve my fellow man in body, mind, and spirit. 

“A word fitly spoken is like apples of gold in a setting of silver.”

Love and blessings,

Robert Morgan “Bobby”

Speaking positive words creates a good vibration that lifts us and others out of the gloom, helping us to resonate with all that is good in creation.

Soul Mining “You Know It Don’t Come Easy”…

Saying we are on a spiritual path to Christ Consciousness is a misnomer and incomplete description of the inherent challenges associated with laying aside, one’s ego, the little self.  The Christ Conscious life is so much more than a simple journey. Like all things precious it is not easily obtained, and our way is fraught with spiritual, physical and mental challenges. I have found that living a life in Christ Consciousness is more like living the life of miner who’s must spend much of his life navigating dark and unfamiliar passages.

Instead of mining gold or diamonds, we mine the depths of our souls, digging deep within ourselves to find the spiritual nuggets of the truth of who we are and how we can be in present perfect alignment with the heart of our Creator.  As miners of our souls, we look for ways to reflect the spirit of Christ in our actions, always seeking the truth so we can be shining lights for those we find along our way in the world’s tunnels of darkness.

As soul miners, we are always ready to dig deep into the land given to us by Christ and mine the spiritual gold and diamonds that are our rightful inheritance as children of God.

“He that seeketh findeth, and to him that knocketh it shall be opened; ”


Robert Morgan “Bobby”

Do You Believe Your Prayers Are Answered?


Christ said: “When ye pray, believe ye have it. Become as a little child if you would enter the kingdom.”

 I just found that less than half of us pray on a daily basis. I felt somewhat astounded, as for most of my friends and me,  pray at least once and usually several times a day. Most of my friends are educated, coming from different countries, cultures, races, and religions. Many are Protestants, Catholics and some are Buddhist, Hindus, and Sikhs. Even with all our differences, we have a single bonding common denominator; that is we all pray. We all know there is more to this life than what meets the eye. 

Being humans means on most days we’re bombarded by distractions, challenges, and adverse situations.  I  believe if humanity understood how simple, but powerfully effective prayer is they would be cherishing their time in prayer, instead of avoiding it. If we could put aside our adult ego’s and become like children, full of curiosity’s and simple trust, we would be able to pray from our hearts.  Being like a child in our prayers knowing we are safe and cared for would open the door to the kingdom of heaven, and we would receive the spiritual, emotional and physical benefits associated with prayer and the miracles that God channels through prayers.

“Trust in me, commit your ways unto me.”

As for me, I’ve found a hiding place, a monk’s cave in the midst of the chaos. It’s my inner sanctum, It’s the kingdom of heaven within me, I  quickly enter my heavenly abode by simply being silent, being still and letting the I Am hear the prayer of my heart.  I m like a child I need ask for nothing for My loving Father knows all I need and all that has been made and will be done is already mine. I have ceased my longings, not of my volition, but because of His overwhelming love, a love that assures me in the depths of my heart, my Father is at this very moment performing the miracles I need, for He knows what’s best for me.  He never fails to release the exact miracles I need, and within moments they begin to flow over me like warm spring rains, saturating my body, soul, and spirit.

“For everyone who asks receives; he who seeks finds; and to him who knocks, the door will be opened. What father among you, if his son asks for a fish, will give him a snake instead? Or if he asks for an egg, will give him a scorpion?”

Our Supreme Creator, Lord and Maker God, works in mysterious ways, moment by moment, performing miracles and wonders for you and me. It’s my heartfelt belief that my prayers channel these miracles, making them the cornerstones of my life.

“Delight thyself also in the Lord, and He shall give thee the desires of thine heart.”

Prayer, oh what a blessed gift. What a comfort in times of testing. What else can heal a soul torn asunder?  What else can lift us from the depths of despair? When all else has failed, prayer always brings us physical and spiritual showers of blessings along with the miracles that support a life of peace, love and pure bliss.

What a happy feeling it is to pray until you get that warm glowing feeling that lights up your imagination and fills you with the sense that you are in the midst of a miracle, and you are already in possession of for which you have prayed. Oh, what a mysterious thing prayer is to so many, yet when we approach it’s from the point of our being like little children, prayers mysteries fade like the morning due in the midst of the sun’s warming rays.

“For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways,”
“As the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts than your thoughts.” 

May your life be filled with every blessing.

Robert C. Morgan ” Bobby”