Heal Disease And Sickness With Thankfulness And Gratitude

Gratitude, It’s A State Of Mind And A Guiding Star

I can’t speak for everyone, but I sure am glad, I finally live most of my life in a place of gratitude. I am not bragging, I’m just claiming and acknowledging the blessings that an attitude of gratitude brings to me.

We Are Always Happy When We Are GratefulMy state of mind and spirit are not always perfect, but when my love for the attitude of gratitude even starts to fade I am quick to recognize it. I almost immediately, reset my course with gratitude once again being my guiding star. Living my life with my first intention being grateful for everything helps me to be more physically, psychology relationally and spiritually healthy.


Having an attitude of gratitude, means we live life at a higher vibration, making it easier for us, as well as those around us, to experience the joy of living at a higher level. Practicing an attitude of gratitude instills in us increased levels of peace of mind, happiness, vibrant health, and deeper, more satisfying personal relationships.

Gratitude is the one thing that cost us nothing to give, yet it attracts outrageous levels of abundance
in every area of our lives.

An attitude of gratitude seems to have an almost magical healing effect, as it clears karma while touching every part of our being, making every aspect of our life better. So, if you want to be in the best physical, psychological, relational and spiritual life, then it’s time to put your intentions on having an attitude of gratitude.

An Attitude of Gratitude Serves as the Foundation of all Healing

I have to share this with you, as it is one of the great truths, about gratitude. As a holistic practitioner, I help people to live more vibrant and healthy lives. Helping them onto to the pathway of gratitude is the first thing I always do, as I know that without they’re having an attitude of gratitude there is usually no lasting health for my clients. Yes, they get some good short-term results, as I teach them the proper ways to take care of themselves. The haunting thing is in most, case lasting healthful vibrancy eludes them if they are not able to enter into a heart of gratitude.

Having a heart of gratitude is not easy for many of my clients, we have to take baby-steps, as they have lived most of their lives caught up in emotional turmoil. Many of them have not learned the wonderful way of resting in an attitude of gratitude. Moving them towards holistic healing takes time, so we gently guide them in recognizing the little things to be grateful for first. Once they begin to practice giving thank for the smaller thing, they then soon start to acknowledge the good aspects of their lives and learn to give thanks.

We immediately see a powerful impact on their emotional and physical well-being. As our clients begin to live in “a heart of gratitude”, they start to count their blessings. All of them, without exception, feel happier, and that in turn, has a ripple effect on the rest of their life. They start to eat better, sleep better, exercise more, and undoubtedly they have fewer physical challenges. All I can say is Thank you, thank you, thank you!

Recent Scientific Studies

According to research by the Institute of HeartMath, a state of gratitude “improves the heart’s rhythmic functioning, which helps us to reduce stress, think more clearly under pressure and heal physically”. It’s physiologically impossible to be stressed and have a heart of gratitude at the same time.

Great Reasons to Live in Gratitude

 “In the midst of a grateful heart, we find the peace that passes our human understanding.”

Dr. Lisa Aspinwall, professor of psychology, University of Utah, “has determined that grateful people may be more likely to:

  • Take better care of themselves physically and mentally
  • Engage in more protective health behaviors and maintenance
  • Get more regular exercise
  • Eat a healthier diet
  • Have improved mental alertness
  • Schedule regular physical examinations with their doctor
  • Cope better with stress and daily challenges
  • Feel happier and more optimistic
  • Avoid problematic physical symptoms
  • Have stronger immune systems
  • Maintain a brighter view of the future

Being grateful keeps us from focusing too much on the past, or speculating too much into the future.

A grateful heart is a happy heart that keeps us present, and happy in the prIn the midst of a grateful heart, we find the peace that passes our human understanding.esent moment. When we are grateful, the so-called “challenges of life” fade away as we focus on the joy that accompanies our thoughts of gratefulness for whatever

comes our way. In the midst of a grateful heart, we find the peace that passes our human understanding. Even as life’s storms roars about us, we honestly feel peaceful and can be safe harbors for our fellow-man who has not yet found the peace. This beautiful attitude of gratitude can only come from a heart and a mind that is rejoicing in gratefulness.

 Break Down The Walls

When we greet the morning with our minds intention focused on the spirit of gratefulness, any walls of fear or judgment, towards oneself, or to others, are demolished. We can say thank you, thank you, thank you, letting the healing warmth of a grateful heart permeate our very essence. As we move through our day, we are not so easily thrown off by the twist and turns that are part of everyday life. We are fully able to set our life’s course with grace and ease as we follow the star of gratitude.

Because our intentions are focused on being grateful, we think less and less of ourselves, yet we are always alert to what is going on within us, and around us. Every aspect of life becomes more precious, holding deeper meaning than it did before we placed our intentions on being grateful. We see what is around us, and we become awestruck, almost reverent in our observations of all sentient beings and the earth itself.

As we now see and experience everything through the purifying filter of a grateful heart, we automatically attract more reasons, things, and situations for which to be grateful. The world seems to be so alive more than we could have ever imagined. Sometimes it is hard to tell if the joy and happiness we are feeling is coming from this earthly plain or a celestial dimension.

The world bathed in the loving light of gratitude seems ethereal, more stable, more trustworthy, more solid than ever. We reflect on the actuality of this state, and we know that we are one with each other, and with the spirit, and all is exactly, as it should be.

A Few Ways To Start Living In Gratitude…it only takes a smile

1. Count your blessings. Take a few moments right now and think of one thing tor that you are grateful. Smile and think about how wonderful it is to have something in your life that you make you feel grateful.

2. Think of someone who needs your loving thoughts. Smile and send a warm thought to them, fill your heart with gratefulness, as you are making a positive difference for them by just sending them loving thoughts.

3. Smile and say thank you, thank you, thank you! Whenever a sorrowful or negative thought enters your space, just say thank you, thank you, thank you.

4. Smile and give thanks for the food that you eat. Again a simple thank you, thank you, thank you, will do miracles.

5. Smile and ask the universe to provide you with a way to show your gratitude by helping another person feel cared for and loved.

“Gratitude bestows reverence, allowing us to encounter everyday epiphanies, those transcendent moments of awe, which change forever how we experience life and the world,”– John Milton

 Everything Is A Gift

With our intentions focused on making gratitude the foundation of our lives, we begin to leave negative thoughts and emotions behind. We no longer find ourselves having room for them in a world that unfolds in perfect grace where everything is a gift.

What Can You be Grateful For? Everything!

Thank you, thank you, thank you!

“At times our own light goes out and is rekindled by a spark from another person. Each of us has cause to think with deep gratitude of those who have lighted the flame within us.” – Albert Schweitzer


Robert C. Morgan, Holistic Practitioner, Counselor & Spiritual Healer

  1. Gratitude Works!: A 21-Day Program for Creating Emotional Prosperity – Robert A. Emmons
  2. The Hidden Messages in Water – Masaru Emoto
  3. Gratitude: A Way of Life Kindle Edition – Louise L Hay
  4. Words Of Gratitude Mind Body & Soul – Robert A. Emmons
  5. Daily Gratitude: 365 Days of Reflection – National Geographic

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