We Are Ever Evolving Into?

To be a human is to be ever growing in knowledge and in the ways of our spirit. Life, whether physical or spiritual is never stagnant. We are evolving either into the likeness of the I Am or into the image of our earthly focuses. For every, though we have there will come a time when there will be a  physical demonstration of that thought. So, as we think so we are, and we find ourselves evolving into nobleness or ignobleness depending on our thought life.  “He that seeketh findeth, and to him that knocketh it shall be opened;”  for as we think so we are, and only by patiently practicing the presence of God are we give opportunities to knock on the door to the kingdom of heaven, which is within themselves.

For our spiritual evolution and to bring forth the kind of person we all want to be, we must set our intentions on obtaining the likeness of the I AM, the picture of love incarnate. For me, Christ set the best example of who we can become. Thru Christ I recognize that humanity lives in a state of grace, mercy and unconditional love, which gives us the space we need to develop and evolve into the person we know that we are capable of being.  The problem we have is accepting that we are responsible for our evolution, and there is no one else to blame or give credit for our state of being, but ourselves. Christ told us that you will do great things because He is with us.  “Verily, verily, I say unto you, He that believeth on me, the works that I do shall he do also; and greater works than these shall he do; because I go unto my Father.” 

Love and blessings,




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