Dreams Come True When You Stop Trying To Manifest And Align With Love

Manifesting what we desire is an amazing feeling of accomplishment. The more we do it, the easier it becomes to manifest what is most beneficial for ourselves and in alignment with God’s highest purpose, shown through “agape,” selfless love in action.

For me, manifesting is like “praying without ceasing,” every manifestation is a miraculous event, that brings about goodness, kindness, strength, honor, faith, grace, forgiveness, healing, patience, stillness, knowledge, wisdom, financial security, mercy, love, and forgiveness. These are but a few of the many circumstances I now find myself in as I live a life of miracles.  The more I manifest from a heart aligned with the heart of LOVE that lives in me, the Great I AM is replacing the little me, my little I am, more day-by-day,

I love manifesting miracle after miracle, each manifestation serves as a basis for the next one, like I said it’s like saying never-ending prayers all of which are being answered before I have finished praying.  I find myself in this perfect manifesting state when I am manifesting from my heart and not my head.  I know there are many things I want, but some of my desires may not be in alignment with Love “God Is Love,” so I now always ask will this manifestation make me a more loving person? Will it bring me closer to being one with the heart of The Great I AM? Will what I manifest bless others? If I cannot answer yes to theses three questions, I know it’s not in divine order to bring forth the manifestation, at this time.

Here’s something really awesome, that’s happened to me over the past year or so. It’s as if I no longer am asking for something to materialize. I feel the miracle has already happened and my state of manifestation is a celebratory acknowledgment of what already has come into materialization.  It’s more like I feel I already have it before I can manifest it. It’s as if my grateful heart sees’s my desire already manifested, already in place, my prayers answered before I asked. Now it seems all I want to do is say thank you, thank you, thank you to my Creator, the world and myself.

One last thing that has absolutely helped me in my life of manifesting is to always pray and meditate upon how or what I’m about to manifest will affect my life, especially my spiritual life as it relates to my Christ consciousness.  I now spend more time in the state of prayer and meditation than I do focused on actually manifesting. Unfortunately, some of what I’ve manifested over the past years was directed by my mind, not my heart, and I’ve found that manifesting my desires is much easier than living with some of the circumstances I have created. My advice is ALWAYS manifest from a heart, aligned with love and the materialization of your manifestation will bring about wonderful results for you and all mankind.

I am at peace with my life, and my heartfelt manifestations. I am grateful for all I have learned and am learning.  In the new year, I  pray that each of us will find our lives energized by the Spirit, the I Am, the Creator, the Christ or by whatever name you to call LOVE.  So, let the manifestations begin and our dreams lived.

Blessings, Robert C. Morgan “Bobby”

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